Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Sense of Smell

Today, we examined and tested our sense of smell.  The students each had the opportunity to smell 9 different things ranging from vanilla, cocoa, and apple cider to garlic powder, sage, and dog biscuits!  Here are a few pictures as we were smelling.

After the students were finished using their noses to smell different scents, they were asked to write about  and illustrate their favorite scent in their "I Wonder" journal.  Here are a few responses I recorded.
Isabella is informing us that apple cider and coconut are her favorite smells.
Sage's favorite smell were the leaves of an evergreen tree. 
We also discussed that our nose is the body part that helps us to smell different scents.  Through research, we learned that we all have small hairs on the inside of our nose and thats what traps the scents inside of our nose which causes us to smell.
Nicholas is teaching us that we use our nose to smell.

1 comment:

  1. Sage and I have our favorite smell in common. She informed me about the hairs in our nose that help us smell. She uses her sense of smell each day to know when dinner is close to being ready.
