Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We used our sense of taste!

Today, we continued our study of the five senses and focused on our sense of taste!  The students recorded their thoughts of each food item in their "I Wonder" journals.  We tasted a food that was bitter, sour, sweet, and salty.  The students had so much fun identifying the tongue as the body part that we use to taste.

The first type of food we tasted was bitter chocolate.  I knew that most of the students had tasted the regular chocolate that we eat, but I assumed not many had tasted the bitter kind!  Their facial reactions to tasting the bitter chocolate were unforgettable!  Get ready for a laugh!

Next, we tasted lemons that were VERY sour!  I videoed this response!

After that, the students were given salty chips to taste!
Lastly, we ended on a sweet note with ice cream!  The smiling faces in these pictures are much different from the faces that were made after tasting the bitter chocolate! 

We had such a fun time exploring our sense of taste!