Friday, September 12, 2014

Wonder #3

Wonder #3:

Why was school created?


  1. Chase said, "to learn" when I ask him to give me more he says, "so they can go to college and get a job to make money"!

  2. Cameron says, "So you can learn." I asked why you need to learn and he said, "so you can get smart." I wonder what they were wanting to learn when they created schools? Did they "get smart" back then too?

  3. Emary Kate says, "to make you feel special and so you can learn". I love that her first response was about feeling special! Thank you so much Ms. Garner and Mrs. Burnett, you both are amazing!

  4. As we were conducting our research, we could not believe that school used to only be one room buildings!! We wondered where they ate lunch, painted in art, worked on the computers, etc. Thank you for researching and responding on our blog!

  5. Jake said that school was created to learn about Science.
