Friday, October 10, 2014

5 Senses Fall Book

This week, we have been creating our 5 senses fall books. I am so excited to finally share some pictures of them with you!

Our cover. The students created their own titles!

"My Fall Book"

"All About Fall"

Next, we included our page teaching our readers about each of the 5 senses:

In the fall, I see...
"In the fall, I see a leaf falling off the tree and changing colors."

"In the fall, I see leaves falling off the trees."

In the fall, I smell...
"In the fall I smell pumpkins."

"In the fall, I smell a pumpkin cupcake."

In the fall, I taste...
"In the fall, I taste pumpkin cupcakes."

"In the fall, I taste a pumpkin cupcake."

In the fall, I touch...
"In the fall, I touch leaves."

"In the fall, I touch big and little orange pumpkins."

"In the fall, I touch a tree."

In the fall, I hear...
"In the fall, I hear a bird."

"In the fall, I hear leaves crunching under my feet with my mom and my dad."

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