We also created a poster describing Veterans and why we are so thankful for them!
After discussing as a class, my students created thank you cards to give to a Veteran of their choice!
This card had thank you written on the outside and this house drawn on the inside. The author told me, "I drew this house so that when a soldier has to leave their family, maybe it would remind them of their house and their family and make them happy." This explanation melted my heart.
We talked about how Veterans are willing to fight for our freedom and rights. One of those rights is the freedom to vote. This past week, we have learned all about democracy and how it means everyone has the right to vote. Three 4th graders at OES decided to run for "OES President." We have watched videos and interviews of each candidate to help us decide who to vote for.
Today, we voted for the candidate we felt would do the best job as OES President.
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