Friday, January 24, 2014

Shapes Shapes All Around!

Today, I gave the students lots of different shapes and colors and asked them to create a picture using only those shapes.  The students were so surprised how much easier this was from their assignment yesterday (to create an illustration using no shapes at all). 

I loved the dialogue I heard going on in the classroom while they were creating their masterpieces:
"I need one more big yellow circle."
"Can you please hand me the small green triangles?  I need them for my grass."
"Our table has extra pink squares.  You can have some of ours."
"I need three more light green diamonds."

Our students were practicing shapes, colors, counting, sharing, kindness, showing friendship, creativity and so many more important lifeskills.

Below are our masterpieces:

After everyone was finished creating, we took a walk around the classroom to observe everyone's finished products.  I heard lots of "Oooh's and Ahhh's" during this walk through.  The students were amazed at everything that was created using only shapes.


  1. I LOVE this activity and all of the objectives that you were able to accomplish with it!

  2. Shapes are such an overlooked part of our world. Having the children identify and pull the various shapes together to create our world is wonderful.
