Sunday, March 1, 2015

Solid, Liquid, and GAS!!

Friday, we learned all about the third state of matter: gas.

I began by asking the students, "We have learned that matter takes up space. Does air take up space?"  Of course, their immediate response was, "NO!!" 

After that, I held up a balloon and talked with the kids about what would happen if I used the air inside of me to blow up a balloon. Once they saw the balloon begin to expand, they were amazed that air really does take up space. As a class, we concluded that air, or gas, truly is matter.  Next, each student had the opportunity to try out their own air by blowing up a balloon.

Now, it was time for our gas experiment.  

To try this at home, you need:
1. 1 liter bottle
2. Baking soda
3. Vinegar
4. 1 balloon
5. Small funnel

First, you pour the vinegar into the bottle:

Second, use the funnel to pour the baking soda into the balloon:

Third, place the balloon around the rim of the bottle without letting any baking soda fall into the bottle.

Lastly, allow the baking soda to mix with the vinegar and watch in amazement!

When the materials mixed together, they formed a gas which filled the balloon causing it to expand!

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