Friday, May 22, 2015

Our Last Day With The Ducklings

We started our last morning with the ducklings by allowing Bella to watch the ducklings.  She sat there for at least 20 minutes!

We decided to complete our last entry in our "An Egg is Quiet" journals outside with our ducklings!  We wrote about how much we have learned.

Here are some of our journal entries!

"I learned so much.  They have webbed feet.  Ducks are messy because they were hatched to be an adult.  Ducks were born to be messy creatures out in the world."

"I learned a lot this year.  I learned that they don't need help hatching.  And I learned that when you drop something little, they will eat it."

"I learned a lot about ducks.  It is so cool.  They preen themselves."

"Can you believe that I learned a lot?  I learned that we can't help them get out of the egg.  I learned that our ducks preen themselves.  I learned that today our ducks have to go to West Knoll Farm.  I learned that Blackie is going to go with the other duck.  I learned that they are playful and I learned that they ducks love me and I learned that they love to swim.  I learned so much and I love the ducks and the ducks love me too.  Did you know I am so sad because Blackie is going to go with the other ducks?"

"I learned so much.  Ducks have webbed feet.  Isn't it amazing?  It is so cool!"

"When a duck hatches, you cannot help it."

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