Friday, August 29, 2014

Wonder #1

Wonder #1:

What does it mean to be a good friend?


  1. Emary Kate says "Good friends help each other, invite others to play with you, and be nice." ☺️

  2. Macie says, "A good friend is someone who will play outside with me."

  3. Chase says, "A good friend is someone that treats you good, like they want to be treated."

  4. Jake had a lot of great answers...Be respectful to others, share, and be nice to your friends.

  5. Cameron said to share and be nice to everyone!

  6. I love all of the responses that you guys have written! The students LOVE being able to share something that they wrote with their mom or dad at home.

    We have learned a lot more about friendship this week focusing on the qualities of loyalty, honesty, trustworthy, and how to be good communicators. Thank you for contributing to our class blog!
