Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Candling- Day 15

Today, we candled our eggs again. We could not believe the changes that have taken place inside our eggs in just one week! Our eggs certainly are quiet right now, but we can tell that won't be the case for long.
"Today, we candled the eggs again.  The runner duck was inside."

"Today, we candled our eggs again and it was cool!"

"Today, we are candling them.  When we looked inside the first egg, it was big inside the egg.  The baby ducks have grown inside the egg.  The runner duck is big and black.  The pekin is not black."

"Today, we candled our eggs again and we saw inside the egg.  It was fun!  We have runner ducks inside of the egg!  We do not have Pekin ducks!  I love to do that!"

"The Pekin ducks are going bad for us.  The Runner ducks are going good for us.  But we don't no if we don't have Pekin ducks.  The runners egg is black because the baby is so big."

"We candled the egg again.  We know a runner is going to hatch!  We don't know if a Pekin egg will hatch."

"It was so cool but there were only baby runner ducks!"

"The ducks have grown."

"Today, we candled the eggs again.  One of the four pekin ducks did not hatch.  Th runner duck is big!  It was trying to get out!"

"I could see in the baby ducks because I can see the veins."

"I see the baby eggs.  The egg is quiet.  I love the baby eggs."

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