Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Let's hatch some ducklings!!

Today was SUCH an exciting day! We had the opportunity to place our duck eggs in the incubator. We have 6 Pekin and 6 Runner duck eggs but due to our limited space in the incubator, Mrs. Fortner's class has agreed to "egg sit" a few of our babies for us during the first week or so! Currently we have 4 Pekin eggs and 3 Runner eggs in our incubator!

After doing some research, we learned that it will take our ducklings 28 days to hatch.  We counted down on our calendar and learned that our hatch date is May 12th!! We are SO excited! We will use our calendar to count down.
Next, we began creating journals to document our learning while hatching baby ducks in the classroom. 

We used the book, An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston as our mentor text.

We have also been studying non-fiction text features such as table of contents, headings, labels, and diagrams. We will apply these features to our journals.

We started by creating our front covers. We used labeling and "fancy font" to make the cover more attractive just like our mentor text.

(In case you are wondering, the P and R that the students labeled with are referring to the Pekin and Runner ducklings).

We also annotated our summary on the back to help us understand and remember.

Annotation Codes:
W: Something I wonder about
Circled Word: A word I don't recognize
Heart: Something I love
Star: Important part

I cannot wait to continue sharing their hard work with you!

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